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Hattic mythology

The Hattian mythology deals with the myths and stories of the Hatti gods, as they were handed down by the Hittites. They can be captured quite well by the source position, in contrast to Hattian cults, rituals and religious beliefs that can not be separated satisfactorily from Hittite and other elements.

All sources Hattian religion and mythology are from the archives of the Hittites. The Hatti himself left no written records own. However, the working out genuinely Hattian cultural elements is difficult, because the Hittite culture absorbed foreign elements, and constantly reshaped. For originally Hattian apply in the research criteria such as texts with Hattian passages - which are still poorly understood - then contain celebrations and rites of the Hattian names and terms, and events associated with the old Hattian places of worship Arinna, Ziplanda, Nerik and Laḫzan. Thus, bears while a hard Purullija Hattian name, but can hardly be elicited, which it still genuinely Hattian and what was added later. Partly this is also for the associated Illuyankas myth.


The Hattian deities (hatt. shape) are often honored with the title "king" (hatt. katte) and "Queen" (hatt. kattaḫ), which allows to determine the sex of a deity.

A ritual called Hattian Hittite deities and their worship places, "the gods are one districts. The sun goddess sat in Arinna, Ḫalmašuit Ḫarpiša sat in, sat down in Ḫatepinu Maliluḫa, the protective deity Karaḫna sat in, sat down in the schhreckliche Telipinu Tawinija. But no room was left for Ḫannaḫanna, it was the place for humanity "..

Estan kattaḫ ("Sun",. Ištanu Hitt) is sun goddess and mother of the gods, which is especially close with her daughter Mezulla. Her nickname was Wurunšemu ("the mother country?"). The eagle is her messenger. The goddess was taken over by the Hittites as early sun goddess of Arinna and was then the supreme deity of the empire. The Hatti obviously knew no male sun god, in contrast to the Luwian Tiwats (ie. * deuat "deity").

Mezulla is the daughter of the sun goddess and the weather god. Another name was Tappinu ("daughter"). Hittite sources mention also Zintuḫi (hatt. Zintu "grandson") as the granddaughter of the sun goddess.

Kašku (Kasba or "light") was the moon god. Of it is a myth, "The moon fell from the sky" over delivers. He was identified with the Hittite moon god Arma.

Taru katte (also Saru; Hitt Tarḫunna.) Is the weather god and father of the gods. He rules over rain, thunder and lightning and storm, its attributes are mace, lightning and the bull. He also has a close relationship with sources and is summoned in a ritual from its source. His vizier's Mittunun. Although the myths call the father of the Weather God, but the name is not recorded. His children are Mezulla, and Telipinu Waššizil. Taru merged with the Indo-European Tarḫunna the Hittites, the name similarity is probably coincidental. The name is tentatively Hattian sem with the word Mediterranean. ṯawr and gr ταῦρος (tauros), Latin taurus "bull" associated. Also a connection with the Anatolian Taurus Mountains is considered.

Waššizil katte was the name of the weather god of Ziplanda, who also was "lion" called. He is the son of Wurunšemu and Taru.

Šulinkatte katte ("King of Suli") is a sword of God, which was equated with the Mesopotamian god Nergal sword (NÈRI.GAL / U. GUR). He is considered the father of the Weather God of Nerak.
The weather god of Nerak (heth. weather god of Nerikka) played in the Hittite cult an extraordinary role. His weapon is the spear and his animal of the lion. When his wife called and Zaḫapuna Tešimi as his mistress. Is similar to the loved the weather god of Laḫzan Tašimi. A third source is the wife of the weather Taḫatenuit God, Mother of the sources mentioned and Tašimmet his mistress.
Wurunkatte ("king of the land") is a god of war. He is identified with the god of war mesopotamsichen Zababa (ZA.BA4.BA4).

Talipinu katte ("Strong Son",. Telipinu Hitt) was the god of fertility and son of Estan and Taru, which is why it can be described as a weather god who brings rain and thunder. His symbol is the oak. In the cult of the Hittites and Luwians which he equated with Warwalijaš, he played an important role.

Ḫatepinu ("daughter of the sea"?) Is the only mentioned in Hittite texts, daughter of the sea and the woman Talipinu.

Inar (heth. Inara) fights with the help of man Ḫupašija Illuyankas the snake demon. She is survived only in Hittite texts. In hethtitischer time Inara tutelary deity of Hattusa (hatt. Hattus) was.
Tašimi is the mistress of the weather god.

Kataḫziwuri is ("Queen of the land"), a goddess who performs cleansing rituals and incantations. Your servant is Ḫapantali. The Hittites and Luwians they sat with their goddess Kamrušepa same.
Lelwani is the god of the underworld. He was taken over by the Hittites, but later considered because of the equation with the Mesopotamian goddess as EREŠ.KI.GAL.

Eštuštaja & papaya was fate deities that sit on the shores of the Black Sea and the spin of years of life (Hittite) King. They are likely the Hittite Gulsen ("women writers" of Destiny) and mother goddesses and the Hurrian goddesses Ḫudena & Ḫudellurra be equated.

Ḫannaḫanna (to Hitt. Hanna "grandmother", Turkish "anneanne") while wearing a Hittite name, but they appear mostly in Hattian myths as a wise mother goddess, whose advice the weather enholt God in times of need. Her messenger is the bee.

Ḫanwašuit kattaḫ (hatt to "sit" Niwas,.. Ḫalmašuit het) is the goddess throne.


Hattian myths are partly preserved in Hattian-Hittite bilingual, but in part only in Hittite language. From Telipinu myth there is also a Palaic version. Many myths just the beginning has been preserved.

Telipinu disappears

The myth of Telipinus (hatt. Talipinu) disappearance is reported in several versions that differ slightly. However, no Hattian text will refer to it.

The Angry Telipinu retires, and thus fire altars are paralyzed and plants, humans and animals are infertile. As the sun goddess invites the gods to a feast, they are neither sick nor drunk, and the weather god noticed his son's absence. All the gods to make the search and the sun goddess sends the eagle, but in vain. Ḫannaḫanna now sends out the bee, which eventually finds the Telipinu in a forest clearing at Liḫzina (hatt. Laḫzan) and stabs him. He wakes up, but is still angry. Appeasement rituals of the goddess Kamrušepa (hatt. Kataḫziwuri) appease Telipinu and the country is fertile again.

Telipinu and the daughter of the sea

Among the myths of vanished gods, is the disappearance of the sun goddess. The unnamed daughter of the sea is Ḫatepinu.

The sun goddess and get into the Great Sea dispute and the sea begins and she holds her prisoner in his chambers. Darkness covering the country. The Weather God sent his son Telipinu. The sea god's afraid of the mighty Telipinu and gives the sun goddess and free to have his daughter. Both women Telipinu brings to his father. Now demanded by the sea god dowry for his daughter who has taken the weather gods as a daughter to him. This confers with Ḫannaḫanna and it is negotiating a bride price. Telipinu now requires a groom gift from the god of the sea.

The demoness Ḫaḫḫima

A found in Yozgat fragmentary panel includes a similar myth. The ocean's daughter calls out from heaven by her father, whereupon he cursed the sun goddess. Then he speaks with his daughter, the sun goddess, the weather god and his sister. After a gap appears in the text Ḫaḫḫima the demon that paralyzes the earth and the water dries up. Moreover, even disappears, the sun goddess. Zababa (hatt. Wurunkatte), LAMA (hatt. Inar?) Telipinu and embark on a search, but are bound by Ḫaḫḫima. Finally, the brothers of Ḫaššamili be summoned.

The moon fell from the sky

This myth has been handed down in a Hattian-Hittite bilingual, but only fragmentary.
The moon god Kašku falls from the sky based on the KI.LAM (market?) Of Laḫzan. The weather god Taru sees him and chases him after rain and wind, so that Kašku afraid. Ḫapantili summons Kataḫziwuri, whose servant he is to perform purification rites.

The sun is building a house

Also fragmented as these gods Bilingue history is preserved.
The sun goddess Estan Laḫzan builds up in a house. Then call Saru (Taru) and induce the goddess Lelwani Kataḫziwuri, which dominates the house construction. Also a strong smith is summoned to embark with a copper hammer iron stakes into the loosened earth.


Illuyankas the myth is indeed preserved only in hethischer language, but because the names of the characters are mainly Hattian, it is considered Hattian myth. It is preserved in two versions. Like the original myth is Hattian can not be determined. This myth shows strong resemblance to the ancient myth of Typhon.

In the older version Illuyankas Kiškilušša defeated at the weather gods. Inar takes as agents of the people Ḫupašija Ziggaratta and prepares a feast for Illuyankas. This and his kids get drunk and Ḫupašija she captivates. The so bound to be slain by the god of weather. As a reward for Ḫupašija built Inar Tarukka in a house where both lived as lovers, but on condition that he should never look out the window. As he so does, he sees his wife and children and longs for home and is killed by the angry Inar.

In the more recent version of the weather gods robbed Illuyankas heart and eyes. The victim testifies to the daughter of a "poor" a son who marries Illujankas daughter. As the groom gift he desires the heart and eyes of the storm god, he returns it. The weather gods can now move to the sea and kills Illuyankas and his family.

More about Hattians - First Civilizations in Anatolia.

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