Dusinberre examines seals and the impressions left by them that were used in antiquity and were excavated from the site of Gordion, now in Turkey but once the capital city of ancient Phrygia, the seat of King Midas, and place where Alexander cut the knot barring him from Asia. The seals range in time from about 1800 BCE to about 400 CE, and in size from less than a centimeter to almost 10 centimeters. The unusually careful excavations have allowed scholars to reconstruct the context and something of the use of each seal and to place the glyphic art within the larger aesthetic framework of its time. All but the first 29 pages are devoted to a catalogue and line drawings. Annotation ©2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR...
More: Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society
More: Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society