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Hot Archaeological Projects & Sites in Turkey, draft work sheet

Aizanoi: Roman city in west-central Anatolia, investigations directed by Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
The Alcami: Richard Bayliss of the University of Newcastle, excavations, survey, and computer modeling of a late Roman basilica.
Alishar Höyük: The impact of the Hittite Imperialism is explored at this Anatolian settlement, by Ronald L. Gorny; an abstract from the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
Amuq Valley: Regional Project Results from recent investigations; complete .pdf article in American Journal of Archaeology by K.A. Yener et. al.
Aphrodisias: Recent excavations at this Greek and Roman period site; report in American Journal of Archaeology by R.R.R. Smith and Christopher Ratté
Aspendos: A brief description of this theater, built ca. 5th century BC.
Atskouri: Excavations by the University of Bilkent, occupation from 6th century BC to the present.
Ayasoluk: (Ephesus) Recent excavations centered on the Mycenaean occupation of this ancient city, an article from Forum Archaeologiae. German and English.

Bakla Tepe: Excavations from Ankara University at this site occupied from Chalcolithic times through Early Bronze Age.
Boghazkoy: A handful of pen and ink drawings of the walls and sculpture of this Hittite capital in the 2nd millennium BC.
Byzantium 1200: Computer generated visualizations of many of the Byzantine structures in Istanbul, by A. Tayfun Oner with descriptions by Albrecht Berger of the Free University of Berlin (Freie Universitat Berlin).
Carchemish: A retrospective of Leonard Woolley and T.E. Lawrence's excavations here; an article in Discovering Archaeology by Brian Fagan.
The Çatalhöyük Project: Excavations at the first urban center in the world, most recently excavated by Ian Hodder of Cambridge University in close collaboration with the Middle Eastern Technical University and Ankara University. The Mysteries of Çatalhöyük a kid-friendly visit to the site, from the Science Museum of Minnesota. Focus Multimedia an online article concerning the site. Deep probing report on a 75-foot-deep trench at Catal begun April 1999. Çatalhöyük, from your guide, a visit to the site and discussion of its impact. The Konya Plain from the University of Liverpool, ongoing survey in the plains around Catalhoyuk.
Cayönü: A neolithic village-farming community, Cayonu was most recently excavated by Robert Braidwood, of the Oriental Institute, and Dr. Halet Cambel, of Istanbul University.
Claros From l'Espace Culturel, site description and history of this site sacred to Apollo.
Constantinople: Lots of information on the buildings and history of Constantinople, from Robert Ousterhout, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Istanbul: Heritage and the hazards of modernity, an article on the Roman and Medieval aspects of the ancient city, from World Heritage Review.
Deveboynu Tepe: Reported to be the site from which a Greek army first sighted the Black Sea during its flight from the forces of the Persian king Artaxerxes II in 401 B.C. in this news brief from Archaeology magazine.
Göltepe/Kestel: A Bronze Age mining district and the associated town, directed by Aslihan Yener at Columbia.
Gordion: University of Pennsylvania Museum's excavations at the site of the Phrygian capital city. Alluvial marsh at Gordion, brief abstract on geomorphological work at the city by Ben Marsh in Journal of Field Archaeology.
Hacimusalar: Early Iron Age on the Elmali plain, from the University of Bilkent. the Hacimusalar Project Kathryn Kennedy, a student A Holy Cross, reports on her 1999 experiences at Hacimusalar. Hacimusalar Project Home Page from Bilkent University, Ankara, in assocation with the Associated Colleges of the South, DePauw University and the College of the Holy Cross ACS Archaeology Program includes a Quicktime movie of the site
Hacinebi Tepe: Spindle Whorls, Gender, and Ethnicity at a Late Chalcolithic site, an article by Kathryn Keith in the Journal of Field Archaeology.
Hattuscha/Bogazköy: City of the emperor of the Hethitic culture; excavations directed by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
Hisarlik (Troy): New excavations at Troy are being conducted in the summer of 1998 by Universität Tübingen / Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters and the University of Cincinnati. In German and English. ásty und pólis report on recent German excavations, an article abstract in Forum Archaeologiae. German World Heritage site newly named by UNESCO Hissarlik, from your guide, part of a series on Homer's Troy
Kazane Höyük: From SUNY at Binghamton and Bryn Mawr College, field research in the Halaf period levels (5th through 3rd millenium BC).
Kerkenes: From the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, excavations and survey at the imperial city of the Medes.
Kirklareli: Neolithic to early Bronze Age site in ancient Thrace, from Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. German.
Kilise Tepe: University of Cambridge's McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, a small but important, multi-period site controlling a major route between Western Cilicia (and the Mediterranean) and the central plateau, and dominating a rich agricultural enclave in the Göksu valley.
Kinet Höyük: From the University of Bilkent, research at this site, with occupations dated to Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages and the Hellenistic period.
King Midas' Tomb: A brief article on research by the University of Pennsylvania at the tomb of the Phrygian leader, in Discovering Archaeology.
Latmos: Ancient Herakleia, excavations by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. German.
Liman Tepe: Excavations by Ankara University, inhabited from the Neolithic through Classic Period. Liman Tepe a "site of the month" described for assemblage by Peter Tomkins. Liman Tepe from Focus Magazine.
Mugla: From the Friends of Akyaka, textual descriptions of the major archaeological sites in Mugla region.
Panaztepe: Continuously inhabited from the 3rd Millennium B.C. to 5th century A.D; excavated by Hacettepe University; link on the Izmir Region Excavations and Research page.
Pergamon: Seventh century B.C. to the late Byzantine period, excavations by Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
Pinarbasi: Excavations by the University of Edinburgh and the Karaman Museum; extensive information on the sites in the Karaman region, beginning possibly as long as 10,000 years ago.
Pisidia: A Regional Assessment of Local Pottery Production in Hellenistic Asia Minor (Southern Turkey), an article in Anistoriton by Erguen Lafli.
The Sakçagözü Project: From University College, London, studies of paleolithic-neolithic cave sites in the north Levantine rift valley.
Sardis: Excavation report of Late Roman and Archaic levels of this ancient city; complete article by Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr. and Marcus L. Rautman in American Journal of Archaeology. Archaeological Exploration of Sardis: Information on ongoing excavations from Harvard University.
Seleukeia Sidera: Roman occupation on the site of Asar Tepe in Pisidia, an article in Zeitschrift für klassische Archäologie by Ergün Lafli. German. Brief abstract in English describing Lafli's work. Hellenistic Pottery from Pisidia: article by Lafli in Anistoriton.
Sinope: From l'Espace Culturel, an amphora production site, in use from the 3rd century BC through the 5th century AD. The Black Sea Trade Project from the University of Pennsylvania.
Tektas Burnu: Institute of Nautical Archaeology investigations of a 5th century BC shipwreck off Turkey's west coast; an article in Antiquity. The Classical Greek Shipwreck of Tektas Burnu a page on the wreck from Texas A&M.
Tell al-Judaidah: Chalcolithic, Early Bronze, and Late Bronze Age occupations in the Amuq valley, excavations by the Oriental Institute.
Tell Atchana: Middle and Late Bronze Age tell excavated during the 1930s by Woolley, and additional investigations during 2000 by the Oriental Institute in Chicago.
Tell Kurdu: From the Oriental Institute, reports from excavations at this Chalcolithic site in the Amuq valley.
Tell Mozan: From Archaeology Odyssey, an article on the recent identification of this site with the ancient Hittite capital of Urkesh.
Tell Ta'Yinat: Iron Age site in the Amuq Valley excavated by Leonard Woolley during the 1930s and being studied anew by the Oriental Institute.
Titris Höyük: Early Dynastic III and Akkadian period occupation, excavated by Timothy Matney and Guillermo Algaze, an abstract from the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
Tumulus MM: A reinterpretation of "Midas' Bed" as a royal Phrygian funeral, an abstract from the Journal of Field Archaeology.
Üçagizli Cave: Initial Upper Palaeolithic in south­central Turkey and its regional context: a preliminary report; article in Antiquity by Steven L. Kuhn et al.
Uluburun: Underwater archaeological exploration of a Bronze Age shipwreck, by the Texas A&M University's Institute of Nautical Archaeology.
Ulucak Höyük: From the Archaeological Museum of Izmir and Ege University, excavations at this site near Ankara, containing Chalcolithic through Early Bronze Age occupations.
Van-Ayanis: Medieval and Iron Age fortress, excavated by the Archaeological Museum of Izmir and Ege University.
Yassi Ada: From the Turkish Ministry of Culture, a description and pictures of the various underwater resources of this island in the west of Bodrum (English, Turkish, Russian, and German versions).
Zeugma: After the Flood: from Archaeology Odyssey, an article on this ancient Roman villa on the Euphrates River, under excavation ahead of a dam project which will destroy the site. Zeugma A capital city of the allied kings of the Roman Empire, now threatened by flooding and looting. From David Kennedy at the University of Western Australia

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